Sketchup online layers
Sketchup online layers

sketchup online layers
  1. #Sketchup online layers mac os
  2. #Sketchup online layers plus

To perform this magic, simply click the layer’s single-page icon in the far right column of the Layers panel. When a regular layer becomes a shared layer, you're asked to choose whether the layer contains entities on multiple pages: You can include only the entities from the current page, or collect entities from all pages.You can change a regular layer to a shared layer, or vice versa. Whether you lock a regular or a shared layer, the layer becomes locked on every page. Click the Lock icon again to unlock the layer and open the padlock.

sketchup online layers

When a layer is locked, its padlock icon is closed.

  • To lock a layer so its contents can’t be edited, click the Lock icon.
  • So, for example, you can use a shared layer to display an entity on every page except a cover page by changing the visibility only on the cover page. Whether a layer is a regular or shared layer, the visibility setting applies only to the current page. Click the Visibility icon again to see the layer’s contents. When a layer isn’t visible, the Visibility icon is gray instead of black.
  • To toggle a layer’s visibility, click the Visibility icon (the eye).
  • When you organize content on a layer, you can toggle the content’s visibility or lock entities on a layer. If a group is selected during the move command, all entities within that group will be moved to the same layer as well. The entities now appear on the layer you selected. If you use this option, you don’t have to select the layer first, as noted in Step 1. Alternatively, you can select any unlocked layer from the flyout menu.

    sketchup online layers

  • Context-click your selection, hover over Move to Layer on the menu that appears, and select Current from the flyout menu.
  • The entities now appear on the active layer.

    sketchup online layers

    Context-click your selection, and choose Move to Current Layer on the menu that appears.In the Layers panel, a blue dot appears next to the selected content’s current layer. With the Select tool ( ), select the entities that you want to move.In the Layers panel, select the layer that you want to contain the entities.To move any entity to a different layer, follow these steps: By default, entities on shared layers have a dark red selection highlight, and entities on non-shared layers have a blue selection highlight. If you mistakenly add content to the wrong layer, you can move content from one layer to another of the same layer type. For example, in the following figure, the blue dot indicates the selection is on the Construction Phase layer. Tip: If you’re not sure on which layer an entity appears, select it in the drawing area, and a dot appears next to its layer in the Layers panel. (Optional) To make the layer a shared layer, click the single-page icon in the layer’s far right column, and the icon changes to a four-page icon, indicating a shared layer.For example, if you want the layer to hold all the headings at the top, Heading is an intuitive name. Type a name for the layer and press Enter.

    #Sketchup online layers mac os

    Double-click the new layer’s name to open the name for editing or select it and press Enter, as shown in the following figure (as the panel appears in Mac OS X).A new, regular layer appears in the Layer’s panel’s list of layers, and becomes the active layer, which the red pencil icon indicates.

    #Sketchup online layers plus

  • In the Layers panel, click the Add New Layer button (the plus sign).
  • To create a new regular or shared layer, follow these steps: When you create a layer, you have access to the layer on every page in your LayOut document, including new pages that you add. The Default layer works like a regular layer. Note: In LayOut, the Default layer is the layer on which all your content appears, well … by default - that is, if you don’t use layers at all.

    Sketchup online layers